Catherine Cadden and Jesse Wiens

Catherine Cadden is a certified trainer with the international Center for Nonviolent Communication.  Ms. Cadden studied under Jack Kornfield, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Ram Dass, Kai Nicole Hill and NVC founder, Marshall Rosenberg and credits them with supporting, inspiring and influencing her spiritual path.  In 1997, she founded the TEMBA School, a visionary K-8 academic program rooted in nonviolent philosophy, NVC, sustainable living and artistic expression. She is co-founder of Play in the Wild! Wilderness Initiations into Nonviolence and is author of Peaceable Revolution Through Education.

Jesse Wiens is a certified trainer with the international Center for Nonviolent Communication and the founder of ZENVC, an approach to the practice of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) that integrates meditation, mindfulness, and inner work. He has a passion for bringing the best of Eastern and Western wisdom to bear on the problems of today, supporting individuals, couples and communities to come back into wholeness. He draws from seven years of living and practicing in Zen monasteries, as well as training with NVC founder Marshall Rosenberg, Center for Understanding in Conflict co-founder Gary Friedman.

Together, Catherine and Jesse bring an experiential style of integrated practices to support learning NVC in a way that is lively, engaging and deeply enriching.  They have worked with a diverse range of communities around the world, from organic farmers in Oregon to NGO's in Afghanistan, from eco-villages in Australia to public school classrooms in Ohio. They bring an appreciation of the human challenges in Being Nonviolence, as well as real inspiration for change

Website: ZENVC
Website: Play in the Wild
Book: Peaceable Revolution Through Education
Website: International Day for Empathic Action