Gay Hendricks, PhD and Katie Hendricks, PhD

Gay Hendricks, PhD, has been a leader in the fields of relationship transformation and body/mind therapies for over 45 years. After earning his PhD in counseling psychology from Stanford, Gay was a professor of Counseling Psychology at The University of Colorado for over 20 years. He is the President of The Hendricks Institute and the author, with his wife, Katie of 35 books including the best seller, Conscious Loving.

Katie Hendricks, PhD, BC-DMT, Director of Training at the Hendricks Institute is a pioneer in the field of body-mind integration in practice for over forty years. Katie has an international reputation as a seminar leader, training professionals from many fields in the core skills of conscious living through the lens of body intelligence.

Together, Gay and Katie have  broken through the muck of limiting beliefs — and explored the boundless creativity, intimacy, and ease on the other side. They have shared their research and loving experiences in seminars and trainings across the globe and appeared on OPRAH, CNN and CNBC.

Website: The Hendricks Institute