Roxy Manning PhD

Certified NVC trainer since its inception in 2007 and lead organizer of the NVC and Diversity Retreat, Roxy Manning, first became interested in social change and diversity as a young Afro-Caribbean immigrant in New York City. Dr. Manning has co-authored two publications: the first Survival Guide for Ethnic Minority Students, for the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students and a chapter on Nonviolent Communication in the second edition of Working for Peace: A Handbook of Practical Psychology.

Roxy has offered NVC trainings at residential retreats, practice groups and workshops and has provided workshops on culturally competent mental health care to direct service organizations in both North Carolina and California. She works with individuals, couples and families to support them in better understanding each other, identifying shared values and creating strategies to better meet their needs. She is especially passionate about working with women and people of color, and believes we can create a world where each person's uniqueness is celebrated and is seen as a contribution to the vital fabric of the whole.  

Website: Roxy Manning PhD