Falling In Love
with Myself Again

Arnina Kashtan, CNVC Certified Trainer
9:00am - 9:50am Pacific (California) Time

Life CAN be simpler!

All you need to do is fall in love with yourself again.

When you love yourself, your ability to cope with the difficult times in life is greater. In fact, when you love yourself your whole experience of life and perception of reality changes for the better!

Why? Because when you're able to fully love yourself, you are open to an inner source of renewable energy for celebrating life and the beautiful being you truly are… And you become able to create an entirely different level of closeness and intimacy — the kind of which you may have only dreamed.

Dare to dream: join Arnina for this delightfully tender course.

Read about Arnina Kashtan

This is a preview of our upcoming 2018 course, Falling in Love with Myself Again.
Registering for the 2017 Telethon guarantees you'll receive a 15% discount
when you register for Falling in Love with Myself Again next year!