Responding to the Call of Our Times

Miki Kashtan,  CNVC Certified Trainer
12:00pm - 12:50pm Pacific (California) Time

Did you miss signing up for this powerful program Miki's been leading all year? Here's your chance to get a sense of what it is all about!

Leadership is not always about the position you hold.

Leaders, Miki says, are people who align themselves and their lives with whatever matters most to them — and who take actions that support everyone in the systems in which they live.

Homemakers, CEOs, mothers, fathers, volunteers, teachers, spiritual leaders, board members, grandparents, and managers are ALL in positions of leadership.

Whoever you are — and whatever challenges you're facing — join Miki and be introduced to a program that's been designed to support YOU!

Read about Miki Kashtan

This is a preview of our upcoming 2018 course, Responding to the Call of Our Times.
Registering for the 2017 Telethon guarantees you'll receive a 15% discount
when you register for Responding to the Call of Our TImes next year!