Rooms in the Same House:
Interweaving NVC and Buddhism

Roberta Wall and Barbara Bash,  CNVC Certified Trainers
3:00pm - 3:50pm Pacific (California) Time

NVC can be lived as a mindfulness practice, helping us be more present, open, and loving to the flow of life within ourselves. Adding Buddhist principles and practices can add great depth and insight to NVC consciousness.

During this course we'll be moving between simple guided meditations for self-connection and NVC practices we've framed within the Buddhist teachings — and exploring their gentle and harmonious blend.

This interweaving of insight streams can strengthen and enrich the fabric of our lives!

Join us, won't you?

Read about Roberta Wall

Read about Barbara Bash

This is a preview of our upcoming 2018 course, Rooms in the Same House.
Registering for the 2017 Telethon guarantees you'll receive a 15% discount
when you register for Rooms in the Same House next year!