Nine Skills for Navigating Conflict

Jim and Jori Manske,  CNVC Certified Trainers
6:00pm - 6:50pm Pacific (California) Time

When there's conflict in the air, it can feel as though your NVC skills are just too far away…

Maybe they're even the farthest thing from your mind, and you end up saying — or doing — something reactively and regretting it afterwards…

Jim and Jori believe that every step you take around addressing conflict in your life matters. By s-l-o-w-i-n-g yourself down and taking a good look at your inner resources FIRST, you increase the probability that you'll find a solution — a solution that can dissolve those feelings of separateness and instead grow the feelings you've longed for: compassion and connection!

This work is practical, powerful, inspirational, and chock full of benefits!

Read about Jim and Jori Manske

This is a preview of our upcoming 2018 course, Nine Skills for Navigating Conflict.
Registering for the 2017 Telethon guarantees you'll receive a 15% discount
when you register for Nine Skills for Navigating Conflict next year!