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Live NVC Courses: Introductory Skill Level

Learning Tool


These downloadable cards are graciously offered to help busy parents who want more time and less struggle.


This chart is intended as an aid to translating words that are often confused with feelings. These words imply that someone is doing something to you and generally connote wrongness or blame. To use this list, when somebody says “I’m feeling rejected,” you might translate this as: “Are you feeling scared because you have a need for inclusion?”


Learning Tool

00:28 hours:minutes

This self-assessment matrix is a concrete step toward naming and clarifying many skills that you may find valuable in your life. We suggest you periodically assess your skills to track your progress.


Learn to recognize four forms of thinking and speaking that are likely to lead to disconnection.


The NVC Circle of Life is a mandala illustrating the process and consciousness of Nonviolent Communication. Mandala literally means "sacred circle" and symbolizes wholeness, balance and harmony.



7 minutes

Yoram defines empathy as a blending of the arts of listening and following, and says it is the biggest gift we can offer each other! Listen what can happen when a restless child has the presence and attention of his mother.


 Experience more choice when you've been triggered, instead of being trapped in old habits and unmet needs. Heal old internal messages that tell you you're not good enough… not loveable… or not deserving.

With: Eddie Zacapa

Learning Tool

1-2 minutes

In Nonviolent Communication "power over" refers to the use of power to dominate or control others. It is a form of violence or force, whether physical, emotional, psychological or otherwise. This learning tool has six lists, each containing different types of power over strategies: physical, sexual, intimidation, economic, emotional, isolation.

Observation is the awareness of our sensory perceptions and thoughts, separate from evaluations and judgments. Feeling involves bodily sensations and emotions, distinct from "faux feelings" that mix thought and emotion. Needs encompass universal human requirements for survival and wellness, while thoughts and evaluations express needs. Requests are rooted in connection and invite true willingness, rather than demanding compliance.

Roxy Manning discusses the need to expand our understanding of observations within Nonviolent Communication (NVC). She challenges the idea of objective observation, noting its limitations, and introduces internal observations, citing personal experiences to illustrate their influence on emotions and self-perception. Additionally, she emphasizes systemic awareness as a crucial aspect of observation, highlighting its importance in understanding broader societal issues. Overall, Roxy advocates for a comprehensive approach to observations in NVC, incorporating external, internal, and systemic perspectives to foster inclusivity and empathy...
