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Beginner Skill Level


55 minutes

Old emotional hurts and pains can easily erupt when you’re in the throes of conflict – even if you’re the mediator. Wouldn’t it be lovely if you could avoid all of that, and instead create more peace and happiness for yourself, your family, your co-workers and your community?


Beginner Skill Level


1 hour 6 minutes

Your needs and your values are your Life Force: the river that flows through your spirit and your life, giving life and light to your being. Explore this river with Robert, and map out routes that support your growth. Gain a deeper understadning and acceptance of the spirituality and beauty of needs and values.


Beginner Skill Level

Practice Exercise

4 - 6 minutes

Anger, guilt, shame, and shutdown are often based on reactivity and “should” thinking. They narrow and distort perceptions, which can bring more suffering. So instead, feel them without resistance, nor acting on them. Bring clarity by naming your observables and thoughts, plus your underlying vulnerable feelings, needs and self-responsibility. Then mourn what needs were, or are, unmet. Only then choose what actions to meet needs.


Beginner Skill Level

Practice Exercise

4-6 minutes

You value generosity and you often give easily from the heart. There are those times, however, when you get snagged by a sense of obligation. You feel tense and resentful. You don't want to continue with this attitude, but how can you reconnect with the desire to give from the heart? Let’s touch on three essential elements that support giving from the heart: choice, mourning, and acceptance.


If someone asks you to love them as is, try wondering what contributes to their need for acceptance. Loving someone and empathizing with them, doesn't mean you can't make requests for change. Recall that your requests are about your needs, not about them. Understand that requests may not be met due to lack of resources or skills, even if the desire is there. Clarify how important the request is to you and how negotiation can look.


Beginner Skill Level

Trainer Tip

1 - 2 minutes

Trainer Tip: When we try to make another person fit into a reality that we prefer in order to meet our own needs everyone suffers. Instead, bring your focus back to yourself. Notice which of your needs are met or unmet when you spend time with someone. Don’t judge them; just focus on your feelings and needs. Then, decide whether continuing the relationship will meet them


Intermediate Skill Level

Trainer Tip

1 - 2 minutes

Trainer Tip: The change you're looking for begins with a single step.


Beginner Skill Level

Trainer Tip

1 - 2 minutes

Trainer Tip: There are many ways to meet a need. Open to new possibilities.


Beginner Skill Level

Trainer Tip

1 - 2 minutes

Trainer Tip: Find ways to celebrate each day and enrich your life.


Beginner Skill Level

Trainer Tip

1 - 2 minutes

Trainer Tip: Mary reflects on the nature of happiness and its relationship to presence.
