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Live NVC Courses: Roxanne Manning

In parenting, Roxy Manning notes the tendency for self-judgment and external judgment. Roxy suggests that being a single parent or a working parent influences your ability to implement parenting strategies. The importance of assessing the feasibility of strategies in one's current life context is emphasized. Roxy encourages self-compassion and mourning the gap between desired and achievable outcomes. Her message encourages understanding personal constraints and practicing self-compassion in parenting.

Children interpret and create meaning from everything they observe. They form a narrative about themselves and their place in the world. Roxy Manning shares how the stories of parents contribute to this narrative. Roxy shares a personal story where she, in an attempt to highlight her son's intellectual gifts, unintentionally influenced him to believe he couldn't do things on his own and wasn't smart. The impact of stories like this on a child's self-perception is long-lasting. Roxy urges us to consider the unintended messages that our words and actions may convey, as these narratives can be challenging to shift once established.
With: Roxy Manning


13 minutes

Listen in as Roxy explains how NVC approaches systemic change: through the protective use of force, the ability to self connect and connect to others, requests vs. demands, and understanding needs that are motivating behaviors. 


Responding to a Painful Comment: How do you carry on a conversation when someone’s comment has had an impact on you? And what happens when two intentions clash because of different perspectives? Here’s Roxy’s powerful, common sense approach.


Listen in as Roxy Manning and Mary Mackenzie introduce NVC… share information on the dynamics of identity in social change movements… and demonstrate through role playing how NVC grows connection.
