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Trainer Tip

1 - 2 minutes


Trainer Tip: There's one sure way to find hidden assumptions, stop and check it out!


Trainer Tip

1 - 2 minutes


Trainer Tip: When we sympathize, we relate an aspect of someone’s story to ourselves. When we empathize, we reflect the feelings and needs of the other. Empathy helps people connect more deeply to their own and another’s pain, and helps resolve issues with clarity and ease. Notice when you're giving someone sympathy rather than empathy.



3 - 5 minutes


Anxiety comes in different flavors: worry, restlessness, over-stimulation, distress, uncertainty, or panic. While fear involves an imminent threat, anxiety is often more amorphous and related to a vague and distant future. We can try out a few ways to transform anxiety: label the emotion, notice how we relate to the anxiety, release the story and reconnect somatically, plus apply self care and self empathy.


The "inner jackal" is probably be better known as the "inner critic", that nagging voice of self-sabotage that undermines our confidence. It's a voice that won't go away in a hurry! So here are our four top tips for getting into positive communication with it.


Trainer Tip: Mary expands on one of the basic principles of Nonviolent Communication: valuing everyone’s needs equally.


Practice Exercise

12 -18 minutes


Blame is opaque when we don’t reflect on it deeply. We blame when we don’t see ourselves as having power to shape things, and see others as the ones who can. Blame and how we respond to it, is both a symptom of inability to step into power, and an impediment to empowered relationships. Transforming blame requires self-responsibility. Read on for practices involving empathy, inner connection, power, preparation and engaging options.



8 - 12 minutes


Children often ask adults “Can I…?” This question is so common that we carry it with us into adulthood, often addressing each other in the same way -- and more so with those we see as authority figures. However, let's unpack how this phrasing can reaffirm power differences. And see how, instead, we can transform paradigms of power in a way that invites dialogue, and co-creates an outcome that we can mutually benefit from.


Learn to recognize four forms of thinking and speaking that are likely to lead to disconnection.



4 - 6 minutes


In listening to what our emotions tell us, and embracing what we do not know, we begin the path of courage. Even though our culture tells us not to, revealing our imperfections is where we can deeply connect. Living our lives more courageously honest, can shift us towards inspiring one another. Read on for how some people experienced this in coming together to transform one woman's heroine addiction.


Developing our own teaching exercises is a powerful consciousness-building process that eventually helps us clarify our own way of learning and to develop our unique style of teaching.
